Posts tagged with ‘warning signs’
Learn the Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
There is no denying prescription painkiller abuse is one of the biggest problems Americans face. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 10 million people admit to using painkillers for recreational use in the past year. Those addicted to opiates face many health problems, including brain damage, which leads to chronic brain disease. Family members or loved ones who suspect a person is using prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons can help them get the help they need by learning the signs.
When Impulsive Teen Behaviors Become Self-Destructive
Transitioning from one period of life to another is always tough. Consider the emotional unsteadiness of an empty nest or retirement for older people. For teens, transitioning from childhood into adulthood can be especially challenging. Teens are not re-adjusting their identity, they are forming one. And in the midst of figuring out who they are as an individual their bodies are also undergoing all kinds of physiological changes.
Middle School Pupils at Highest Risk for Inhalant Use
Inhalants are a diverse range of household, industrial and medicinal chemicals that sometimes get adapted as drugs of abuse. Young people have especially high chances of beginning inhalant use, at least partly because they have less access to legal intoxicants than adults.
Using Alcohol to Combat Stress
Stress is a part of everyday life. For many, responses to stress include irritability and a sense of being overwhelmed. Healthy ways to deal with stress include a balanced diet, exercise and adequate sleep. In some cases people self-medicate when either specific events or ongoing circumstances become too much to bear. During the holidays as family tensions and financial concerns tend to rear their heads this self-destructive behavior can become harmful. And what begins as an attempt at celebration can end with too much alcohol.
What is Denial?
Addicts are often out of touch with the unforeseen costs of their behavior. They routinely ignore warning signs that seem obvious to their friends and family – trouble in school, job loss, car wrecks, ruined relationships, financial problems, illness, arrest, etc. They either ignore these issues or they place the blame on others, continuing their problematic behaviors without a second thought. This is their denial. It is almost as if they are unable to see (or they refuse to see) the destructive effects that their drinking, drug use, and other addictive behaviors have not only on themselves, but on those who love them. Full Story
How to Talk to an Alcoholic Who Has Not Yet Agreed to Seek Help
When someone develops a drinking problem, it can create quite a conundrum for his friends and family. To prevent tragedy, they know they must intervene before the situation gets any worse, but they are usually at a complete loss about how to proceed. Full Story
Helping a Spouse with Addiction
The dreams held in your heart on the day you said "I do" can feel shattered when your partner falls prey to substance abuse and addiction. Your tears, nagging, threats and pleading have all failed to change the situation and now you feel powerless and despondent. Yet, it is not true that there is nothing you can do to help your partner. In fact, there is a lot you can do. Full Story
Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Places of employment should be safe and healthy environments in which to work. Employers manage safety teams for security, hazardous waste, and other possible problems that might endanger their workers. But some employees are bringing their personal hazards to work. The American Council For Drug Education reports that employees who suffer from substance abuse are causing workplace accidents, higher medical expenses, and are negatively impacting employee morale and productivity at work. Full Story
Seven Steps to Take if your Spouse is Abusing Alcohol or Drugs
Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious problems. Both not only have a significant impact on the well-being of the addicted individual, but they adversely affect everyone else in their life as well. This is especially true for anyone married to an addict.
What is the Difference Between Supporting and Enabling?
Nobody likes seeing a loved one suffering from addiction or alcoholism. The desire to do all you can to help and alleviate his or her pain is natural. However, if you find yourself in this situation, there are some dos and don’ts that should be followed. Although the line is fine, there is one between supporting and/or helping an addict or alcoholic and enabling his or her addiction. And because it is such a fine line, and difficult for loved ones to discern the difference, it is one that gets crossed frequently. Support is great; addicts and alcoholics need lots of it, however, enabling is detrimental to both the addict and you. Knowing the difference will help you know how best to be there for your loved who is still using or drinking excessively.