Posts tagged with ‘Alcohol Intervention’
When an alcoholic’s problems reach the crisis level, his or her loved ones will often plan a professional intervention, where the alcoholic’s family, friends, and employers tell the alcoholic in their own words how his or her drinking has negatively affected their lives, and urge him or her to seek treatment. Interventions should be carefully planned and developed by professional interventionists.
Teen Intervention for Drug or Alcohol Abuse
Let’s face it: It’s tough being the parents of a teenager. Your mind races with thoughts of all the dangerous situations your child can become involved in, not the least of which is experimentation with alcohol and drugs. But when the symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse start mounting up, it’s time to take action in the form of a teen intervention. Full Story
Drug or Alcohol Intervention for Your Elderly Loved Ones
When it comes to our parents or older adults in our family, we often have blinders on. On the one hand, we tend to think of our parents as having their act together. After all, they raised us and have years of accumulated wisdom. But we may also be preoccupied with our own lives and unable to recognize signs of drug or alcohol abuse that may be going on with them. Full Story
Lost Opportunity: Could Putting off an Intervention Be a Deadly Decision?
Sometimes we wish that disturbing situations would just go away. We convince ourselves that if we don’t think too much about it or act like it doesn’t exist, that somehow things will magically change and take the burden away from us to do anything.
But when we’re talking about addiction of one of our family members or loved ones, or even one of our close friends, we may be losing more than just an opportunity. Our failure to act may be one of the worst decisions we’ve ever made.
When Addiction Strikes the Corner Office: Intervention on a Boss
A co-worker’s struggle with addiction can make the office a stressful place to be. When the person in charge of keeping the company healthy is the one with a drug or alcohol addiction, going to work can be downright miserable. Covering for a boss who fails to return phone calls or emails, or whose mood swings make for a volatile work environment not only diminishes the employee’s ability to do their job but also enables the higher-up to continue their problem behavior.
Interventions for Medical Inpatients with Unhealthy Drinking Behaviors
Unhealthy drinking practices are often seen among medical inpatients. While hospitalization is regarded by some as a "teachable moment" for motivating patients to decrease drinking, studies of brief hospital-based interventions have not always found decreases. New findings show that focusing on alcohol-related illnesses may make hospital interventions more effective. Results will be published in the July 2010 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research and are currently available at Early View.
Online Interventions Can Help Problem Drinkers
A recent study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) demonstrates that online interventions for problem drinkers can be help change alcohol habits.
Brief Intervention Found Effective for Repeat Drunk Drivers
Driving while impaired (DWI) contributes significantly to traffic crashes, and is involved in more than one-third of all fatalities. Many DWI recidivists (drinking drivers who re-offend) do not participate in mandated alcohol-evaluation and intervention programs, or they continue to drink problematically after their licenses have been re-issued.
Interventions: What You Need to Know
When a loved one seems to have lost control of their life or has become a danger to himself or others due to substance abuse or other harmful behaviors, family and friends often try to intervene.
Singer Janet Jackson reportedly tried to stage an intervention for her brother Michael in 2007, two sources close to the Jackson family told CNN. Britney Spears’ family intervened in 2008 through the court after a judge in her custody case cited her for “habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances and alcohol.” Her father, Jamie Spears, was granted temporary conservatorship over her. Full Story
Tips for a Successful Intervention
If you are planning an intervention for a spouse, partner, friend, or family member, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips that will help you plan the conversation that could save the life of your loved one.
Alcohol Intervention
An alcohol intervention is an intervention usually planned by the family, but sometimes by an employer or friend, that is facilitiated by a professional interventionist. Full Story