Woman with 1,000 Drug-Related Offences Turns Life Around, Encourages Others

Is it possible for one woman to collect as many as 1,000 offences? According to a recent Northant Set report, it is not only possible, it actually happened. One mother of six had become a prolific burglar to feed her drug addiction. Now, thanks to an effective rehabilitation program, she and her partner in crime are clean.

The woman, Rachel Grant, and her partner Robert Gray, have admitted they have committed terrible things in the past and have now become model citizens. Crimes committed by Grant include robbing more than a thousand homes, stealing bags full of check books and even robbing her own mother.

Gray was guilty of a vicious crime while high on crack cocaine, a guilt that haunts him to this day. Now, both Grant and Gray are working with a project led by police, probation and prison services that is designed to cut crime by dealing with prolific offenders who also have a class A drug dependency.

Known as the Rose project, it has helped to turn things around for Grant and Gray. Both individuals admit they would likely be dead if the project had not been available. At the time they entered the program both were out of prison, were injecting and didn’t have much reason to live.

As a result of this program, both individuals are now speaking to young people about the perils of addiction. They are often brought in to speak with those youth demonstrating signs of following the same path with the hope of outlining for them where they could be headed to redirect their path.